Are Majority of Knife Attacks in England by Young Black Males or Does it Affect both Black & White Young People? Watch The Debate

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‘This Morning Britain’ a few days ago organised a live debate on Stop and Search, inviting experienced individuals and those affected with knife crime in the UK. The panel was hosted by Susanna Reid and Piers Morgan. The debate escalated over arguments about the majority of the offenders being white or black.

In this must watch the debate, Piers Morgan asked Justine a former bus driver, whose son was stabbed 10 times by seven men if he agrees that the majority of knife crime is by black men.

“Do you accept that the majority of knife attacks happening right now in this country are by young black males on other young black males, do you accept that, do you accept that as a statically fact?

Justine replied “I accept that in Lincolnshire last year, they had the highest murder rate proportionally in England but no one reports that I also feel that there is a media campaign to help the criminalisation of young black people because if I ask my friends further out of London what they think of knife crime, the first thing that will come to their mind is young black people’.

There has been 120 young people killed in knife crime this year.

This comes after Sajid Javid announced he wants more stop and search in London. Should there be a boost to stop and search in the UK to tackle knife crime? watch the debate.


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