Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Motivation Thursday: How To Immunise Yourself Against The Killer Bugs of...

Worry and anxiety posed as a killer bugs to most people’s success.  Worry and Anxiety are like poison that slows an individual from pursuing success and greatness. These killer bugs are non-discriminatory in the life of their victims.  Worry and anxiet…

Valentine Special: 5 Amazing Romantic ways to present Valentines Roses!

As Val’s day is just a few minutes away, millions around the world are getting ready to present roses, a charming stamp of affection and fondness to their lovers. Monsieur rose is very excited as it will find its way into different hands this month of l…

Motivation Thursday: Valentine Special: Staying Away From Toxic Relationships!

Building great relationships takes time and energy. Many people only discover how valuable such relationships are when they are tested. One author writes: 'Contouring your heart to beat with another requires extensive whittling, to trim away self-centre…

“What’s with this craze for Dubai weddings? Writer Charles Novia Shares...

The guy is a Nigerian. The fiancée is a Nigerian. They both live and love in Nigeria. Not abroad o! Nigeria.They decide to get married and guess where they have their wedding? No, just guess. Dubai. They make friends and family spend money to fly…

Motivation Thursday with Ferdinard Senyo Lawson: Don’t Divorce Your Purpose To...

As I walked to drop the children to school this morning, I heard this statement in my statement. “Don't divorce your purpose in life to marry fear” Wow... this actual made me to think twice about my purpose in life. Many at times in life, we abandon…

African Spice & Grain-inspired Beauty Editorial!

The makeup is by the super talented Bimpe Onakoya and photography by the amazing Kelechi Amadi-Obi, one of Nigerias' Best photographer to date. Inspired by grains & spices, the timeless beauty editorial was originally featured in MANIA magazinein 20…

The 4 Crazy Fashion Trends that Rocked 2015!

The prevailing fashion trend in Africa is flamboyant, stylish and glam. Fashionistas take all necessary measures to look sophisticated even though they have to go overboard sometimes. This fierce fashion onslaught has led to the innovation of all sorts…

Motivation Thursday: 3 Great Reasons Why You Must Value Time!

 Time is a commodity you can’t afford to waste in life. (Ferdinard Senyo Lawson) Everything created by God has an expiring date on. “A Time to be born and a time to die”To be Successful and great in life, one needs to respect and value time. Most oft…

Is It Wrong To Snoop On Your Partner? The First Episode...

In this first episode, the ladies chat about insecurity in a relationship and ask if its wrong or right to snoop on partners phone or things. Not all the ladies agreed of course. They also raised the issue of mouth odour. Once again, how do you tell you…

Motivation Thursday: Leap Over Your Limitations- STEP INTO YOUR NEXT LEVEL!

To leap is to spring or jump over something that, prevents you from moving, stepping forward or upward. In order to step into your next level this year, you must be able to identify the limitations or barriers that limited you last year. This helps you…

Motivation Thursday: “Friendship Circle” by Peace Hyde!

Hello and welcome to a Piece of Peace, your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration.  This week I would like to share with you on the topic, “Friendship Circle.”There is a popular saying that you are a sum total of the people you have around you. I ha…

Motivation Thursday: Learn not to put things off!

'Go to the ant, you sluggard'; consider its ways and be wise!' - Proverbs 6:6 The new year we were all waiting for is here now and the question is, what are we going to do to achieve or step into our next level in 2016? In pursuit of our stepping into o…

