Do You Complain When Surgically Enhanced Celebrities Who Are OAPs By Day And Small Girls With big god By Night Publicly Expose Their Body Parts – Reno Omokri Says As He Defends Virgin Bride

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Reno Omokri has stood behind the Nigerian virgin bride to defend her against critics who said that her blood-stained bedsheet she shared publicly is inappropriate for social media.

“I really admire that virgin wife. Anyone who keeps their virginity until marriage deserves to brag about it. I have taught about this for years. There is a reason why God chose Mary to bear His Son, Yeshua,” he said.
“Virginity until marriage is a virtue. Premarital sex is a virus! Youths, keep your virginity until you marry. Let your friends laugh at your virginity. You can easily be like them. But they can NEVER be like you. And as long as you do not die young, you will still eat bearded meat!” he added.

Responding to one of the critics, Omokri asked him why he does not complain when “our surgically enhanced celebrities who are OAPs by day and small girls with big god by night can publicly expose their body parts.”

He further said that publicising proof of virginity is part of African culture, adding that if he were President, he would have given the virgin bride a National Honour.

“When our surgically enhanced celebrities, who are OAPs by day, and small girls with a big god by night, publicly expose their naked overused and overworked body parts why don’t you complain?,” he wrote.
“In our African culture, and in Scripture, proof of virginity was publicised Deuteronomy 22:15. It is a thing of honour and should not be hidden. If I were President, I would have given that wife a National Honour. We need more of her likes. We can’t keep hiding virginity and promoting promiscuity!”

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