Does Being Too Outspoken Classified as Rude & Arrogant?

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 Editors Thought: Is There Such Thing As Being Too Outspoken & How Do You Deal With It?

Outspoken People

Outspoken is defined as someone who doesn’t hold back what they say, or who has  a lot to say about a particular subject regardless of the outcome. However, to be too outspoken is when you don’t know when to stop or draw the line, even with loved ones, to be too outspoken can be taken up to a certain limit which can be  classified as rude, arrogant or even unprofessional.

In the African community as far as i know, to be too outspoken is automatically rude, it doesn’t matter if you are wrong or right. To know when to speak and stop is golden. Parents make sure children understands this and make it their business to make sure kids understand this. While growing up, i remember some times when a child talks more than they are required to, gets cautioned or even punished regardless of if they are right or wrong.

Today, to be outspoke is trying to be pleasant while maintaining a competency and principle lifestyle in form of words, body language or gesture, however does everyone see it that way? it also depends on the situation. At work,people can praise you for being outspoken and the next day, they resist you for being too outspoken.

Usually most people who are very outspoken are not out to draw blood, they may appears too aggressive and not assertive when talking to others, however they don’t mean it that way and are only just getting their point across. Very outspoken people often loose friends very quickly. In most cases, outspoken and opinionated people have no trouble getting what they want, they also thrive in corporate environments more than the type who is afraid to voice their opinions or ideas. It’s good to know when not to cross the line and maintain a friendly and professional lifestyle.

It is very ok to be yourself and not worry about what people think of you while voicing your opinion, but If people think you are very outspoken and people don’t get you most of the time, here are 5 great tips to help you get along in life.



1. Take note of your words: Learn what situations, people, or things that are setting you off. Once you note what sets you off, distance yourself while you work on the process of not being so outspoken. If it’s someone or people, note that they might react to your word and think of a better way to send it across.
2. Learn to be patient: Most of the time our impatience causes us to say things we later regret. It is an advantage to have a friend who is willing to work with you or help you deal with patience and make up exercises that will test your patience. Once you start performing these exercises and you feel your patience being tested, practice some relaxing techniques like closing your eyes and taking slow deep breathes, anything that might work for you.
3. Work on presenting a good image of yourself to other people: People who are too-outspoken don’t have very good reputations, so try to work on being a better person. Help others when you can and be courteous to others. Apologise when you think words came out wrong or when you realise you are at wrong if possible. Apologising for your wrong is never a weak move, its is perfectly a matured and brave move.

4. Think positive thoughts and try to be less negative: Most time, the fear of failing again makes us think negatively.  All these horrible thoughts build up inside and usually come out at the worse times. Thinking positively about you, other people is the way to go.

5. Think before you speak: last but not list. To me, this is the most important tip, if possible, think about how your answer affects the other person or people,recite what you’re going to say in your head and if you know it’s something you shouldn’t say, hold your tongue or keep it to your self. In most cases where you need to reply then, silent is usually the best weapon.

To conclude my point, It is great to be outspoken however it is not great to be very outspoke, learn when to stop or draw the line. Silent is the most powerful answer to most situations or people, also learn when to use it. Learning to use your words, gestures and body language wisely in other not to come out as too strong. Learn to apologise and not take things too seriously, and finally, try to be less outspoken about irrelevant things in your life.

I hope this is a very informative article, let me know what you think about the topic by voicing your opinions.

Written by: Noellin Imoh-Griffiths

Noellin Imoh

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