Don’t Be A Full Time Housewife! Work – Actress Esther Ene Ojire Advises Women

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Actress Esther Ene Ojire has called on Nigerian women to get engaged, no matter how small instead of becoming full-time housewives.

The mother of one child posted on her Instagram page stressed the need for women to work and be of value economically in their homes.

She also appealed to men to allow their wives to work as being idle in a place like Nigeria is counterproductive.

She said;

”I know I might be shaking a small table today, but I will tell you the truth. Ladies open your ears , DONT JUST SIT AT HOME AND BE LAZYING AROUND, WORK. Learn a craft, sell something, pursue a career, do something.
Social media platform is here make good use of it, market your product , don’t just be on social media to see gist and do amebo, make good use of the media. you don’t need to have a shop before you start a business, start from your house and God will enlarge you.
Men please allow your wives do something, being a full house wife can be depressing o. God bless us all.”
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