Veteren Nollywood actress, Joke Silva was interviewed on Twitter during Hear Word Naija Chat yesterday. The popular actress who will be celebrating her 30th wedding anniversary in few days from now spoke about marriage and relationships. During the interview, she answered questions regarding marriage giving the younger generation some few great tips. Here is what she had to say.
On the pros of marriage: For me the biggest pro is knowing I have someone always in my corner wanting what’s best for me and the kids.
On if there’s anything wrong with the institution of marriage: Definitely not. I think people are just too rose colored spectacles about it.
On marriage being a balanced endeavors: A lot of extraneous forces can Mar a relationship. I say be true to YOU…not mum dad or society. You get mentally and emotionally stronger the older you get… I also feel a healthy attitude to money is important. You build your empire together.
On people having high expectations from marriage: It’s a sense of its all romance and no quarrels that’s unrealistic.
On societal pressure to get married: The pressure from society is enormous but if a woman has that sense of affirmation her life is just as fulfilled.
On why people are so preoccupied with marriage: I guess it’s cause your parents don’t want you to be alone…and it also says you were” brought up well”
On what marriage means to her: It means friendship, loving, fighting.. Laughing, worrying, togetherness.
Source: Bellanaija