Motivation Monday: A Word from the Author’s Heart. Love Your Partner, Not The Wedding Ring!

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A woman was very angry, bitter and insultive at her husband for not wearing his wedding ring due to an allergy that cause rashes to his hand him anytime he wears it.

Things got very bad for this happy couple because of that to the point where the wife wouldn’t him have sex with her unless he puts the wedding ring on.

So, after many years of this issue, the man went to see a skin specialist about his condition as wearing the ring causes severe swolleness and rashes to his hand. The specialist advice him of the side effects of wearing the ring as he may be allergic to metal.

This man gets petrified anytime his wife yells and get upset about him for not wearing the ring until one day, she stop respecting her husband. She got so angry and went to sit at a cafe to relax her troubled nind. Whilse sitting; she spotted a very handsome married man with his family at a Cafe happily enjoying themselves.

Something stroke her when she saw this happy couples. She discovered that the man has no arms. She was soo shocked and started sharing tears.

Thoughts were running through her mind like blood running through the vain. She asked herself many questions as to why she was treating her husband the way she does?

She was engulfed with guilts like the elements of the heaven have started to fill her mind. She was being tormented for not understanding her husband’s health condition.

She later went home to apologise to her husband for what she has been taking him through. The husband was bemused by her action and asked her the reason for her apology.

She broke down in tears and said, “i have always complained, nagged, yelled and sometimes pretended to be sick to stop you from having sex with me simply because you don’t wear your wedding ring”.” I have been selfish, unfair, wicked and unspportive of your condition as to why you don’t wear it”.

The husband was frozen like a frozen chicken or cow foot waiting to defrost. The wife went on and on in tears apologising for her behaviour.

As muted as he was like a camel before its master; he only managed to ask her to explain all these drama of which she told him how she met a man with no arms yet full of happiness and life enjoying his family union. How the wife was full of joy playing with the kids and feeding the husband.

The husband then hagged her and thank God for the spirit of understanding for his wife. He forgave his wife for putting him through unnecessary stress and pain that nearly destroyed their marriage.

1: Never prioritise a wedding ring above your partner’s happiness and joy.

2: Life is too short to fight over trivial things in your marriage. Enjoy not endure your partner

3: Love your partner and understand him or her.

4: Help and support your partner to deal with whatever health condition or challenge they have.

5: Don’t allow the things you see around in people’s relationship drive you to destroy yours.

5: Be patient with your partner and be supportive with their emotional challenges.

5: Ring or no ring. Commit to the marriage not the ring on the finger.

6: Anyone can lose their fingers, limbs or life due to illness. Don’t let anything or any man put asender what God has joined together.

7: In all your getting, get understanding in your relationship. Understanding is the platform on which you build a happy, healthy and successful marriage not a wedding ring.



Ferdinard Senyo Lawson Author


Ferdinard Lawson graduated from Sussex University and holds a BSc Degree in Public Health and Social Care. He is the Founder & C.E.O of Ferdinard Lawson Empowerment & Inspirational Agency C.I.C (FLEiA.CIC) in UK, Public Health Professional, Author, Lifestyle Coach, Transformational & Public Speaker and Publication Consultant. He is a Multiple Awards Winning Author, Public Speaker and a Lifestyle Coach. He has published many inspirational, motivational books, and leadership books and full member of the Royal society for Public Health. England. He is currently the Co-Chairman of Mega (Kingston Hospital Trust.

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