Georgina Onuoha Pen Heartfelt Letter Reassuring Daughters of Her Unwavering Love

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Much-loved Nollywood actress Georgina Onuoha has reassured her daughters of her unwavering love for them.

On Friday, May 15, 2020, actress Georgina Onuoha took to her Instagram page to pen a heartfelt letter to her adorable daughters, Chigozie and Chimezie.

Judging by the content of the letter, Georgina wore her heart out on her sleeve as she expressed in vivid details the affection she has for her adolescents girls whom she described as kind-hearted, smart, hard workers, obedient, respectful, and grounded in their faith.

actress Georgina Onuoha has reassured her daughters of her unwavering love for them.

The doting mother went on to tell her daughters that she believes in them. She also encouraged them to be confident in themselves and the love that surrounds them.

The letter reads in full:

Letter To My Daughters.

Dearest daughters, I love you from the bottom of my heart; be rest assured of my unwavering love. Never look for love in all the wrong places. Be confident in yourselves and the love that surrounds you. I trust and believe in you. I believe in you because you guys are kind-hearted, You are smart, I trust you, You are hard workers, obedient, respectful and grounded in your faith.

Dearest daughters, when I watch you two act with compassion, it makes my heart burst with pride. How you work together as a team and carry each other along is remarkable. How you help each other during projects, the good manners you use around other people, the way you handle your disputes amongst yourselves is beyond words. I am simply a lucky mother. You both are my treasures and I want for you two to know what more I treasure. I treasure love, honesty, integrity, simplicity, academics, humanity, kindness, uprightness, dedication , hard work and every virtue that makes one a decent human being.

The day each of you were born still remains the most beautiful days of my life. I cried like a baby the first time I held each of you in my arms. I prayed for you both every day for nine months, and I haven’t stopped since then. Chigozie you were such a beautiful baby from the first moment I held you in my arms. I could only but gaze at your pale face beaming with love.

To my Chimezie, you were such a charmer from the moment you made your entry into our world. You sparkled, everyone wanted a glimpse of you, right then I knew what a star you are. Because of you two, I’ve come to know how powerful the word love is ten times more than what I thought was possible. Don’t ever settle for second best. No matter what you face in the journey of life, always remember you can come to mummy. I will always be here to help you figure things out.

I want you to listen to my heart. Place your hands on your chests, when you hear your heartbeats, know that I feel it too and have been feeling yours since the day I carried your guys in my tummy. Until the day I take my last breath, our hearts will forever beat as one. I love you Chigozie and Chimezie Igwegbe.❤️❤️

Photo Credit: Instagram

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