How To Spot A Male & Female Romance Scammer By Nkechi Bainze

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These days, it’s very easy to be fooled online, especially in the romance department. Social media commentator Nkechi Bainze has taken some time to explain how to spot a romance scammer or catfish as they’re fondly called, you know, finding someone who is single, perfect and ready for a new hot romance, she advises singletons to run for their dear life if it’s too good to be true. Explaining with different scenarios, Nkechi said;

If he chats you up and tells you he is a widower/divorcee single father who works in the Oil Rig and his child stays with his mother. So, he wants to remarry a woman who will be his daughter’s mommy….. nne, he is a ROMANCE SCAMMAR!

A day or 2 after you start chatting, he will tell you he loves you and wants to marry you.

Very soon, his mother or child will fall sick and he would be unable to send hospital bills from the Oil Rig, or have restricted access to his bank account, and he will need you to help him out.

Nne, he is a CATFISH. RUN Ben Johnson, or Usain Bolt!

– If he is in the Army, posted to a place with poor network, so he can’t do video call with you. However, he has fallen in love with you and can’t wait to be with you.

Shortly after, his mother, father, sibling, child or dog or cat falls sick and he is unable to send money so he needs you to borrow him money that he will easily pay you back when he gets back…. CATFISH/ROMANCE SCAMMAR!

Nne, Usain Bolt!

– If she’s very beautiful like a doll/model, young and attractive. But she is in love with you and wants to marry you. She’s always having excuses for why she can’t do video calls. And, she needs money to do anything.


Ben Johnson, Usain Bolt, or just FLY!!!

– If he is so attractive, a single man or single father who is into buying and selling of Gold and/or Diamonds, or “importer and exporter”. And soon after meeting him, he needs money urgently to clear his goods.


Run nne, RUN. Or borrow wings and fly!

Most romance scammars are dumbb, and they use stale tricks. I don’t understand how people keep falling for these.

They prey on lonely men and women, especially if they perceive you are desperate for a partner.

Their main targets are over 30 never married ladies, and over 40 windows, widowers and divorcees.

These are the tricks over 90% of Yahoo-Yahoo guys use on people abroad, especially people in the US, UK, Australia and Canada.

Romance scam costs Canada over $15Million per year, costs Australia over $18Million per year, and costs the US and UK even much more per year.


If it is too good to be true, it’s most likely NOT true.

If he/she starts telling you they love you and wants to marry you soon after you start chatting, and later start asking for money, there’s a 99% chance he/she is trying to CATFISH and scam you.

If you are on an online relationship with someone you have never met and he or she starts asking you for money, feel free to reach me inbox to help you investigate if the person is real.

Credit: – Nkechi Bianze

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