‘The Covid-19 Pandemic Is Nowhere Near Finished’ – WHO Bleats; Reports A ‘High Tendency Of More Dire – Covid variants emerging’

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The World Health Organisation (WHO) has notified with undiluted emphasis, there is a ‘high tendency’ of dire Covid variants circulating in the world as they declared the pandemic, ‘nowhere near finished.

An emergency committee of the global health body said the mutant strains will make it even impossible for the pandemic to come to an end.

In a statement, the committee said: ‘Despite national, regional, and global efforts, the pandemic is nowhere near finished.

‘The pandemic insisted, evolving with four variants of concern dominating global epidemiology.

‘The Committee recognised the high tendency for the emergence and global circulating of  the new and possibly more dire variants of concern that may be even harder to manage .’

Committee chairman Didier Houssin told reporters that ‘recent trends are disturbing.

He said a year-and-a-half after the WHO first declared a so-called Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) – its apex level – ‘we are still running after this virus and the virus is still after us’.

For now, four concerning variants of Covid-19 are dominating the global pandemic picture, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and especially the rapidly-circulating Delta variant first found in India.

But the committee emphasised that worse could be experienced ahead, stating ‘the high tendency for the emergence and world circulation of new and possibly more devilish variants of concern that may be even more problematic to control’.

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