Editors Thought: Christmas Isn’t a Season, it’s a Feeling!

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Time flies so quickly before our own eyes. As we finish celebrating this christmas, the next one is just around the corner and we began to do what we do best, wonder where the last one went. Christmas is not a season, but a feeling and children can testify to this. Its all about things you did right amongst friends and family. Toys and other gifts are shared. Parties are held.  People frolic and celebrate in a variety of ways. 

During the 12 months that leads to December, we go through a lot with people, problems and issues around us. We make new friends, drop some old ones, we get wiser, some of us work harder and vice versa. Christmas has been know as the time to cultivate what we sowed over the year. With merriment and cheerful feeling on air, it’s easier to catch it, therefore we effortlessly make amends and peace where we can.


Majority of workers around the world, look forward to this time of the year, they holiday they get from work, is used wisely. Most use it to relax while others spend it time with loved ones either by preparing for Christmas, or by travellling to a destination to celebrate.

Most of us celebrate  Christmas the same way every year. buying and exchanging of gifts, parties, more parties and buzz, while some others do it differently by helpiing out the needy. There are so many other ways we can help make the festive period a memorable one for us and those we love. And this few points below are just some of them.


  • Giving to the poor and needy
  • Helping out those who really need help, i.e older people, you can help make christmas a great one for them too
  • If you’re in Africa; visiting, charities, hospitals and children homes even if it’s just to say hi or merry Christmas.
  • Spend some time with loved ones; Making out time for family is one of the most important things to do during christmas
  • Learn something new, like; how to bake or cook a particular meal or dish. or try some other interesting things you have in mind you need to do, or you keep putting off
  • Go to church for thanks giving if not for anything, then for making it through to the end of the year once again.
And the list goes on!…

So no matter what you’re doing this christmas, make sure it counts for you and your loved ones. Use the holiday wisely in any way you can, mostly by giving, helping out so that for when you look back, you’ll proud of yourself, and so will those you helped. There is so much you can do during this period, try and leave it differently every year by doing something different and life changing.
Merry Christmas from all of us at African Dazzle, Love, peace and happiness through out the year!


Written by: Noellin Imoh-Griffiths

Noellin Imoh

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