Football Superstar Cristiano Ronaldo has gone on Instagram to celebrate becoming the first person to reach 400 million followers on the social platform Instagram. Ronaldo, who currently has 404 million followers on Instagram, shared a video on the platform for his supporters which included his famous ‘Siuuu’ celebration while wearing a £2,000 grey cashmere Dior jumper.
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In his post, the Manchester United and Portugal superstar said: ‘Hi guys, 400 million. Wow, what a number. Now I can say Siuuu!
‘Well it’s fantastic, what a moment for me. Without you this wouldn’t be possible. So from the bottom of my heart I have to say thank you. Keep going like that!
‘I will share my life with you, all the things with you because you deserve it. So thank you very much. Let’s do it for more 100 million, 200 million – thank you guys!’
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