‘I went to watch the video clip of Will and Jada Smith, just to see for myself and have my own opinion.
First of all, for those of you seeing pains in Will’s eyes, the pain exists only in your heads.
Secondly, let’s analyze truly why some Nigerians, especially the men are getting worked-up over Smith’s marriage.
“I Can Love You Through Anything” – Willsmith Words To Jade After the Affair
You people are angry simply because it is the woman whose cheating came out publicly. If it were Will, you wouldn’t have much of an issue with it.
It is perfectly fine with some Nigerians that Hillary Clinton forgave her husband’s cheating and remained in the marriage. Because Hillary is the woman and Bill is the man. It is the man that should cheat and the woman should forgive.
But in the case of Will and Jada Smith, the reverse is the case. The wife did the cheating and the husband wants her back in his life so that he can continue loving her.
Some Nigerians can’t process the fact that a successful, good-looking and loved man would openly admit that he would continue loving a wife that has cheated on him.
That’s a woman’s role. 😏
In your heads, Will can get almost any beautiful younger woman, so he should leave her and move on.
Well, Will wants to keep loving her. They seem to have vowed to stick with each other even in their worst marriage moments.
I love the friendship and love they share. I admire it. I think it’s a beautiful thing. This is a talk most Nigerian marriages should have but the men think they are entitled to fuck around whole the women should deal with it.
Will wants, craves and is genuinely happy to have Jada back and remain/stick with her.
Press Play
Jada Brings Herself to the Table
Jada and Will address the recent headlines and share their journey of finding peace through pain.
Posted by Red Table Talk on Friday, July 10, 2020
Dear Nigerians,
Deal with it!