Facebook Fails to Effectively Remove Hate Speeches

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Reporters at ProPublica; (a nonprofit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest) investigations and accuses Facebook of failing to effectively remove hate speeches from its platform.

Sample posts were intentionally used as an example. Facebook however mistakenly flagged down conversations about sexism and racism as hate speech by its human reviewers.

Facebook Vice President Justin Osofsky apologizes saying the social network will “do better” by increasing the size of their safety and security team this new year.

The pace of regulatory legislation is progressing around Europe. Germany is aiming to enforce a law requiring social-media sites such as Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, Vimeo among others to act within 24 hours to remove illegal materials, hate speeches and Fake News. When this law is effective, these popular websites could face up to 25 million pounds or more in breach of the law.

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