Fitness Friday: 5 Signs You’re Addicted To Sugar & Ways To Overcome It for a great Fitness Life!

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Have you ever wondered what it is about sugar that compels us to binge eat it? Have you ever tried to cut back on sugar and realized how difficult it is? Does Sugar has a hold over us more than we want to admit. There are many who don’t fully realize they have a sugar addiction, mostly when you’re about to embark in a fitness journey.

How does eating excess sugar affect your weight-loss goals?

Excess insulin drives sugar into muscle, fat and liver cells, where it’s stored as glycogen (a sugar) for later use. Sadly, we have a limited capacity to store glycogen. When this capacity is breached, the excess sugar is converted to fat for storage. Our fat cells are capable of creating chemical signals that lead to chronic inflammation, especially when you eat too many calories and too much sugar. Chronic inflammation in the body is detrimental because it’s a key indicator of heart disease among other chronic health conditions.

Another problem with sugar is that eating it tends to make you crave it later. The link between excess sugar intake and sugar cravings is real. Sugar activates reward centers in your brain. As your intake increases, so does the release of serotonin and endorphins, powerful brain chemicals that make you feel calm, relaxed and happy. On top of that, sugar tastes good! Once you get used to eating highly sweetened foods, your taste buds adjust, and that’s what you want. Genetics are also a factor. Some people are genetically wired to enjoy sugar at a greater level than others. Over time, this excess intake can lead to added calories and weight gain.

Sings you're addicted to sugar

Does Sugar has a hold over you?

5 Sings you’re addicted to Sugar


1. You eat more sugary snacks than you inteded

Have you ever approached a box of donuts or cookies with the intention of eating one one? A few minutes later you want to eat JUST one more. You rationalize and go for it. Even after two, you find yourself wanting to eat more? You struggle, real hard.


2. You crave complex carbohydrates like bread, pasta and cakes etc

This one might come as a surprise to a lot of people but there’s a lot of truth to this. A lot of sugar addicts find themselves craving complex carbs like bread, pasta, potatoes etc. Why, you ask? After consuming complex carbs, the body turns them into simple carbs (sugar) very quickly and can feed your body’s addiction to sugar.


3. You reward yourself with sweet treats most times

You’ve just finished a nice balanced meal, so you know it’s not a good idea to eat that cake in the kitchen from your co-worker’s birthday. You start rationalizing that it would be okay to eat it because you deserve it. So you go for it and tell yourself it will only be this one time. But it’s never only that one time.


4. You tried to cut back on sugar but you just can’t

You have always talked about going on that sugar detox. You have seen your friends do it. It’s on your list but you never fully commit to it. Could it be lack of discipline, or maybe your body craving for sweets that won’t let you?


5. You crave sweets after meals most times

You finish a meal. You’re satisfied. All of sudden that urge comes to eat something sweet. You go for it. But, it’s not just today, it’s everyday. You think what’s the harm? Think again.

Sugar is linked to obesity, hypertension, high blood pressure, depression, headaches, and fatigue. Sugar cravings are also one of the most common reasons people have a hard time losing weight and staying healthy.

If you can relate to any of these things, sugar has a hold over you and you’re addicted to sugar. It’s alright to admit it. Some people call it a sweet tooth, some sugar addiction. But now what do you do? To live a healthy life, you have to cut out sugar. Here are some next steps that can help:

How to overcome Sugar addiction

1. Admit it, embrace it

The first step is awareness. You might find that you relate to the things mentioned above, but you still need to embrace it and stop your eating habits being controlled by sugar.


2. Make a plan of attack

Reading food labels and making a conscious choice to stay away from added sugars can empower you to kick the habit. There are at least 56 different names for sugar listed on food labels. Educate yourself.


3. Dietary supplements

One dietary supplement that separates itself from others is Seynani. It’s a spray, used as a training tool to help re-train your brain to break sugar addiction. It’s simple to use and easy to carry wherever you go. There are others that come in the form of pills like Jou, Sugar Solve and many more.

So there you have it. To kick start a great fitness plan, you need to importantly check your eating habit and cut down on some certain things. Sugar is a very common one. The moment you admit it is the moment you start making a change. So be brave and take that big step today, you will be glad you did in the long run. Happy workout!


Source: Lifehacks

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