How Nigerian Government Continues To Steal From Its Citizens?

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It’s really a pity to see that the government keeps looking for ways to steal in the name of helping its citizens. In a dwindling economy that we hope to revive, the government, rather than seeking ways to make improvements in the economy, has been looking for avenues to make money for themselves.

Recently, the government wanted to borrow 82 billion Naira to import mosquito nets for Nigerians. According to reports, a member of the Senate Committee on Health, Gershom Bassey, opposed the move during the 2022 Budget defence presented by the Ministry of Health, on Tuesday.

In his remarks, Senator Bassey told the Permanent Secretary of the Health Ministry, that the proposal to borrow 82 billion Naira ($200 million), to buy mosquito nets was outrageous. 

 It was gathered that the committee further demanded the total needs of the Ministry to determine if there was a need for borrowing such an amount.

While this was going on, the Executive Director of the National Primary Health Care Development Agency, Faisal Shuaib, tried to clear the air by stating that the 82 billion Naira was for importation and local production of mosquito nets.

There have been reports of borrowing to set up certain things in Nigeria, and even after borrowing, the money wasn’t used for that purpose.

It was no surprise seeing many who considered this act a funny one. If it’s actually for the local production of mosquito nets, it’s still on the high side. The amount being said is so extortionate.

When the government makes a mediocre of the country by constant borrowing, you begin to imagine when and how we’re going to pay all these debts. The mindset that money can be easily borrowed with the clause “for the betterment of the citizens,” is becoming annoying.

The Nigerian government should look for ways to empower its citizens, and not steal from them.

Written by: Edward Amah

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