Friday, May 3, 2024

Do Women like Marrying Below Their Social Status?

Editors Thought: Are days of women setting their sights on marrying ‘above themselves’ over? Times are changing gradually. Today,the girl child crave education, intelligence, freedom, power, success and financial stability before marriage. The hustle…

Motivation Monday: Don’t Let Social Media Destroy Your Relationship (PART 2)

“A man who is afraid to fail will fail at trying. The only way to overcome failure and become a person of influence and significance is by learning from your mistakes”, Ferdinard Senyo Lawson. Mistakes are part of human development. No one gets bette…

Motivation Thursday: Anxiety, A Killer Bug to Success!

“That The Birds of Worry and Care Fly Over Your Head, This You Cannot Change, But That They Build Nests in Your Hair, This You Can Prevent”- Chinese Proverb Worry and anxiety pose as killer bugs to most people's success.  Worry and anxiety are like…

Isossy Children Jade Collection AW2015!

Isossy Children introduces The Jade capsule collection which sees an infusion of edgy hipster chic, block colours and heritage-inspired muted prints in dresses, tops, skirts, trousers and outerwear. For the girls, the dresses, tops and skirts from The…

Ferdinard Senyo Lawson: Life is a School we never Graduate From,...

Not everything we learn in school. There are somethings we learn as we go along the path of life. These days, some things are seriously learnt on social media.  We must all be ready to accept, adapt and adopt an opened mind in order to learn what life h…

“As a qualified nurse, I would like to help teach...

  Congratulations once again Christiana for becoming the winner of Miss Pride of Africa UK 2016. What does winning means to you? Thank you, first of all getting through the audition process means that I have won already because there are certain crit…

#AFRIMA 2017, Tiwa Savage, Eddy Kenzo, Wizkid, Gilad Millo, Locko, 2Baba,...

The 2017 'All Africa Music Awards (AFRIMA)' wend down last night in Lagos, Nigeria, and a host of African stars attended the highly acclaimed...

Editors Thought: Christmas Isn’t a Season, it’s a Feeling!

Time flies so quickly before our own eyes. As we finish celebrating this christmas, the next one is just around the corner and we began to do what we do best, wonder where the last one went. Christmas is not a season, but a feeling and children can test…

Toniaamaka Chrisokere: Waiting on miracles Daily now made SOME of us...

The Everlasting Truth is that, the oyibos gave us a book to limit our understanding while they engage their brain to create solutions to solve problems.  Believe it or not many are sick and will refuse to take medication because they've been brainwashed…

