Exclusive Interview with Nollywood Pioneer – Dolly Unachukwu she Premieres ‘Broadway” In London This Friday!

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Nollywood is growing in size and standard so you need to know your onions to move with it’. Said Veteran Nollywood actress Dolly Unachuwu. The popular actress Premieres BROADWAY this Friday, April 20th at Odeon Cinema Greenwich. Read her interview below.

Exclusive Interview 


Dolly Unachukwu

Hi Dolly, Lovely to have you back in the Nollywood film industry, tell us did you ever leave or were you working behind the scene all this while?

Yes, I left due to life in the UK when I first moved here in 2000. It was difficult to keep up with the lifestyle here as you had to do everything yourself and I couldn’t see myself going to Nigeria to make films and leaving my son on his own, then I was a single mother with a son. Again I gave my life to Christ and it became even more difficult to go back to my past, juggling my new-found faith with the past was a bit tricky so I needed time to get used to the new me.

You have a new movie premiering at Odeon Cinema Greenwich on the 20th of April, can you briefly tell us what the movie is all about?

Basically the story is centred on the role of a pastors wife who doesn’t understand her role of service to the people and sees herself as a film star and a famous celebrity, all she is concerned about is her designer outfits and her fast cars etc, it also looks at the good the bad and the ugly stuff going on in churches.

What made you decide to produce Broadway?

I was opportuned to be in a church where the pastor ’s wife’s behaviour was a concern to me and I just watched what was going on and knew it would make a good story. And I knew I had to produce this movie for others to learn from.

Can one still buy tickets for the premiere? If so, how can one purchase their tickets?

Tickets can be bought on the day of the event yes but to avoid the queue it is advisable to buy on Eventbrite/Broadway or from other press partners. Or call ticket hotline 07564731557

Will fans have the chance to meet you at the London Premiere?

Of course, I will be there in flesh, God Willing, where else will I be?

Can you tell us some challenges you faced during the making of Broadway?

The challenges were all about the availability of London actors and crews as they were engrossed in their day jobs so drawing a schedule was very hard. The cost of labour was also very high.

You’re also part of the casts, can you tell us a little about your character in the movie and why you decided to become this character?

I played Pastor Rhoda, a divorcee who got out of an abused marriage and determined to serve God for the rest of her life, but she is a member of ‘House of Grace’ the church where everything is happening lol and faced with ministering in a church with a bad Pastors wife. Its a lovely character with a twist,

After the London premiere will there be a Nigeria Premiere?

We hope to have a premiere in Nigeria by the summer

We can see your daughters name as part of the casts of the movie, has Hazel decided to follow your footstep and become an actor?

Honestly, I forced her into it when I didn’t get the idle person to play that role. it’s up to her, though I don’t see her embarking on that route.

What 3 advice do you have for young people who would like to join the movie industry either as an actor or producer?

  • Believe in God and yourself
  • Get the training you need
  • Pursue your dreams till it becomes real

With so many factors shaping a movie success or failure, what makes Broadway a must watch movie?

Nothing like it has been done before, it’s a real-life story and you could get answers to so many questions playing in your mind.

What do you think of all the recent Nollywood movies, how they are made, the success and the profit they bring into the industry?

The ones with real investment and good directors I hail, the ones done by people who do not want to get the training they require, they are spoiling the industry and wasting their time and peoples time. Nollywood is growing in size and standard so you need to know your onions to move with it.

Is there any other information you will like to share with us today?

Come and mingle with us at the London premiere of BROADWAY and tell us what you think of this movie. Friday 20th April 2018 is the day. Much love.

Thank you very much for your time. We’re glad to have you back in the Nollywood industry. We look forward to your latest movie and definitely know your fans do too. We also look forward to your next project amongst others.

Watch Broadway Trailer


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