Motivation Monday: Always Turn Your Back At Them!

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The best way to move on in whatever you are doing in life, is to turn your back at them when they criticise, castigate and talk ill about you. When you turn your back, whatever they say, has no meaning to you, other than to pay deaf ear to whatever they say, because they can only do that behind you.

You don’t need to look at your back when you are climbing the ladder to your success, anything behind you, is a distraction to stop you from getting to the top of your ladder. People who talk ill of others, only stand at a spot while the people they talks about are in front of them, moving ahead to achieving their goal, and they watch them celebrating their success.

Your back is your shield that stop any obstacles that tend to stop you from moving forward, you must as a matter of importance, always turn it to those that want to disrupt you from achieving your goal. Nobody ever moves backward, except his or she is no longer living and anything backward, represent darkness, failure and regret, of which you have no business with. You should always turn your back at them, that’s the only way you will not get distracted in achieving your life goal.

You will succeed!

Good Morning.

Written by: Peter Odianosen Eromosele | Rebranding & Celebrating Africa! 
Twitter: @African_Glitz 
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