Motivation Monday: Change Your World by Changing Your Thinking!

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“It is very true that the world is actually ruled by people who use their creative mindset to generate things the world has not seen before. By changing your thinking, you can shape your whole world mentally and transform people’s attitude toward life’s events.

Failures and successes come through the choices we make in life depending on our individual approach and the mind that we have. Our thoughts influence our existence, just as our environment also depends on how we set our minds to see positive results.

In fact, our happiness or unhappiness depends on whether our thoughts are positive or negative. Ultimately, our individual minds predict whether or not we will fulfill our potential and impact nations.

It is therefore crucial that we start changing our thoughts today, right now, so that we can develop amazing things to add value to our world. Someone has said, “Our individual mind power is all that’s required to create and experience the kind and quality of life that we all desire for ourselves.”

To change your thinking, you will be able to be creative and generate things that which will help you to move forward in life. Until you become consciously aware of your thinking, you would not know how much you can do to change your life and the world around you.

Your thinking determines the lifestyle you have.

Therefore, it is very vital that you renew or change your mind by thinking about positive things empower you to discover how to utilize the limitless creative power provided you. Failure to change your mind, the world will only be an unhappy place for you to live in because, it will never value, embrace the visions, hopes, dreams, and desires that you hold for yourself to be great in life.

Your thinking determines your greatness in life. What do you think on each day you get up?

You cannot do anything without having a force backing you. Therefore, thinking positively each day helps to motivate you to set your life on fire to chase or be creative and productive to your society, community, county and the world as a whole.

Your thought creates your create your desired future.

That is why you need to change or renew your thinking to create the positive energy to propel you to change the things you do not want in like and create the very things you need to create something beneficial to mankind. Your wealth in life is determined by your creative thinking; so I dare you to renew or change your thinking and see how far your life becomes in this life. It is so interesting to know that once an individual acknowledges the full potential of his thoughts and how much they can transform or change the direction of his life, he will dedicate his full attention to the very thoughts he is thinking.

Let the world know that you were here by changing your thinking and positively, an influential to your society

Written by: Ferdinard Senyo Lawson

Ferdinard Senyo Lawson is a Creativity Award (CA-AWARD, 2015) Best Life Coach & Best Public Speaker Winner, True African Heritage Awards (BEST AUTHOR, 2015) and Beffta. Founder & C.E.O of Ferdinard Lawson Empowerment & Inspirational Agency C.I.C ( FLEiA.CIC) in UK, Public Health Professional, Author, Lifestyle Coach, Transformational & Public Speaker, Publishing Consultant and columnist  He is an international speaker. | Rebranding & Celebrating Africa! 
Twitter: @African_Glitz 
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